International Women’s Day

8 / III / 2019
Aula Magistral



To celebrate the International Women’s Day, on 8th March, the Palau de les Arts organizes a recital led by women. The programme is dedicated to women composers of all times who managed to make a name of themselves amid a complicated professional world. A selection of songs by Clara Schumann, Fanny Mendelssohn, Alma Mahler, Maria Malibran, Pauline Viardot, the Spanish composers María Rodrigo (Madrid) and Matilde Salvador (Castellón) -whose centennial has been recently celebrated. A tribute performed by the female voices of Centre de Perfeccionament Plácido Domingo, accompanied on the piano by Husan Park. Production and stage management tasks of this event will also be done by women.

Vittoriana De Amicis, soprano
María Caballero, soprano
Juliette Chauvet, mezzosoprano
Mariam Pirtskhalaishvili, soprano
Marta Di Stefano, mezzosoprano
Camila Titinger, soprano

Husan Park, piano