Anna i la Màquina del Temps
10, 17, 24 February - 6:00 pm
Teatre Martín i Soler
Teatre Martín i Soler
Ana and the Time Machine.
Anna is a teenage girl with few friends wholeheartedly committed to taking care of his father, an absent-minded inventor that has just discovered the invention of his life: the time machine.
Due to an unintended mistake, Anna becomes the traveller in the time, on a road that has only the possibility to go onwards. Our machine only travels towards the future and her only hope is to find the way to come back home, in a society in which the technology and progress will allow her to redesign the machine.
An adventures story in which the use of video screenings will almost transform our travel into the future in a real experience. The adventure that any child would like to live.