Lecture about opera - Les Arts

Lecture about opera

Forty-five minutes before every performance, University students of Music Didactic area will give a lecture around the opera title that will be performed that day. This activity is being held thanks to the collaboration of Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía and the Universitat de València.

All lectures will take place in Sala Principal’s hall, except for Philemon und Baucis and The Turn of the Screw, which will be offered in a room next to Teatre Martín i Soler’s cafeteria.

To attend the lectures, it is necessary to have a bought a ticket for the performance. Limited capacity.

Time: 30 minutes, approx.

Lectures given by students of Facultat de Magisteri de la Universitat de València.

Language: Spanish and Valencian.

Carolina Ferrer Llinares, Laia Iranzo Blasco

Ángel Pérez Ballesteros, Elena García Murcia

Eva Heredia Serra, Paula Huber González, Adrián Cantos Soler

Míriam Aparicio Clemente, María Jesús Prosper Chirivella y María Calvo Martínez
Dadas las características del estreno de esta producción, el 9 de febrero no habrá charla previa.

Esperanza Cabañero, Pablo Marín

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