Recycled Instruments Orchestra Cateura - Les Arts

Recycled Instruments Orchestra Cateura


Ecoembes brings us to the Recycled Instruments Orchestra Cateura

Every story has a beginning, and this has the face of a violin found in the trash. It happened in 2006. The setting is the great dump Cateura in Asuncion, capital of Paraguay. A place where waste have become part of the landscape and the way of life for many people who are dedicated to recover.

Fabio Chavez, Paraguayan musician, then had the idea to use these materials in order to manufacture instruments and teaching music to children in the area. Consequently, in an ingenious way, they began to prepare guitars, violins, basses or saxophones. Twenty children, children of workers of the landfill, began playing the instruments and became the pioneers of the orchestra, achieving his dream.

In this spirit it reaches Valencia Recycled Orchestra Cateura Ecoembes hand instruments, the organization that cares for the environment coordinating the recycling and eco-design packaging in Spain. Friday January 2, will offer evening their first concert in Valencia at the Palau de Les Arts. All the money raised from the tickets will go to his foundation, which aims to establish orchestras in other disadvantaged areas of different places like Africa and Haiti, among others. In addition, the concert will collaborate other Spanish artists and a local children’s choir.

Website for further information on the show:

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