The Foundation and Sponsorship Council - Les Arts

The Foundation and Sponsorship Council

17080001_69_2_0_graThe Foundation and Sponsorship Council

For management of Palau de les Arts, reasons relating to the very nature of this singular project have advised us to adopt the legal status of a foundation. In this way, aspects such as following a general interest can be covered, which is something that is always kept in mind by the Generalitat’s Government, and also to make running of it more agile, for which autonomy in management is of particular interest.

On January 26th 2005, the Fundació Palau de les Arts was constituted. The Board of Trustees governs the foundation, presided by the Molt Honorable President of the Generalitat Valenciana and a maximum of 25 people as established in the statutes, among whom, apart from the sponsors, distinguished representatives of Valencian culture particularly stand out.

The Board of Trustees’ mission is ordinarily executed by an Executive Committee.

Board of the Fundació Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía


Molt Honorable Sr. Ximo Puig i Ferrer
President de la Generalitat Valenciana


Sra. Susana Lloret Segura


Honorable Sr. Vicent Marzà Ibáñez
Conseller d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport


Il·lustríssim Sr. Albert Girona Albuixech
Secretari autonòmic de Cultura i Esport


Il·lustríssim Sr. Francesc Gamero Lluna
Secretària autonòmica d’Hisenda

Il·lustríssim Sr. Francesc Colomer Sánchez
Secretari autonòmic de l’Agència Valenciana del Turisme

Sr. Josep Villar Rivera
Sotssecretari de la Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport

Sra. Carmen Amoraga Toledo
Directora general de Cultura i Patrimoni

Sr. Juan Ángel Poyatos León
Director general del Sector Públic, Model Econòmic i Patrimoni

Sr. Abel Guarinos Vinyoles
Director general de CulturArts Generalitat

Sr. Ramon Roselló Ivars
Membre del Consell Valencià de Cultura

Sra. Isabel Muñoz Criado

Sr. José Alejandro Remohí Giménez

Sr. Rafael Juan Fernández

Sr. Pablo Font de Mora Sainz

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