Susana Lloret: “Art is a projection to the exterior of the interior world, with codes that are much more personal, but also shared, felt, or sensed”.
PhD in Psychology and Diploma in Teaching (French language and literature speciality) from the University of València. Extraordinary Doctorate and Degree Award. Professor of Psychometrics from 1999 to 2014. Coordinator of the Psychometric Teaching Unit between 2012 and 2014. Professor and researcher of the “Erasmus Mundus Work Master, Organizational, and Personal Psychology WOP-P”. Member of various teams and research projects in psychology, speaker and author of numerous publications in prestigious national and international journals, (
In 2014 she applied for a leave of absence from the University to head the Fundació Per Amor a l’Art. Since May 2018 she has chaired the Board of the Palau de les Arts de València.
Her training as a psychologist and researcher shows her interest in discovering more about the inner world of the human being and its connection with the outside world. She approaches art with the same interest, which she considers “a projection to the exterior of the interior world, with codes that are more personal, but also shared, felt, or sensed”. Her inclination towards psychology shows her vocation of service to others.
In 2014 she created the Fundació Per Amor a l’Art together with her husband, whose mission is to raise awareness and share in three areas: social aid, rare diseases and art. From the beginning Susana Lloret took on its management and started the rehabilitation and transformation of the old Bombas Gens factory in the headquarters of the Foundation and art center. Bombas Gens Centre d’Art was inaugurated in July of 2017 and since then it has shared with the public this collection and all the set of activities that arise from it.
At present, the “Centre Jove” is being set up in the Marxalenes neighborhood, which is aimed at serving young people between 12 and 16 years of age at risk of exclusion, with the aim of making equal opportunities more real.
Both the Fundació Per Amor a l’Art and Bombas Gens Centre d’Art have been awarded prizes several times. Some of these awards are: the A collection prize of the ARCO Foundation (2018), the Valencia Plaza de Cultura award (2017), the Economía 3 “Outstanding Cultural Initiative” prize (2018) and the Levante EMV Prensa Ibérica Culture Award (2018), among others.